Getting your employees safely back to work

Personalized managed care that goes beyond the claim

Your Ohio Managed Care Organization (MCO) should offer more than just claim support. At Sheakley UniComp, we create a proactive pathway to recovery that benefits both you and your employees. Our vast knowledge base allows us to facilitate high quality, effective medical care that you can rely on to get injured employees the care they deserve.

Offer your team a solution that works

Improve employee experience and retention through individualized care plans

When it comes to workers’ compensation claims, some of the biggest threats to business are employee downtime, slow claim processing, and ineffective care. Initial claim reporting and a quick response to employee injuries saves time and helps prevent lost time claims. Our modern approach to managed care ensures your time sensitive claims are being handled promptly.

Work with an MCO you can trust

Managed Care that Supports the Whole Business

Working with an extensive network of BWC certified providers, we ensure your employee gets the right care from the beginning. Our nationally accredited case management program allows us to put our focus towards what’s important, getting your injured worker healthy and back to work in a timely manner. We aim to keep your premiums low, your workplace safe, and your employees covered.

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Discounts Up To 20%

Network discounts up to 20% below the BWC fee schedule.

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Expedient Recovery

On-site Physical Therapy for expedient on-the-job recovery.

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Injury Trend Reports

Quarterly injury trend reports and analysis.

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Progress Comparison

Industry comparison tool to assess company-wide progress.

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Case Management

Individualized plans for return to work success.

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Non-Profit Light Duty

Light duty job placement to support employee recovery.

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Return-to-Work Strategy

Strategic plans to get injured employees back to work faster.

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Statewide Coverage

Provider network with 42,000 statewide certified locations.

From claim management to trend reporting, Sheakley UniComp covers every aspect of workers’ compensation so you can keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.

Learn more about our MCO
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You’re in Good Company

Hear it directly from our Clients

As one of Ohio’s first certified Managed Care Organizations (MCO), it’s our goal to help employers get their injured workers back to work as quickly and safely as possible. We’re proud of our results, but more than that, we’re proud of our ability to always keep people at the heart of our program.

Sheakley always provides valuable input and technical assistance…

“in a variety of work related injury prevention means, which helps us to maintain a successful return to work program. I work with several key personnel at Sheakley, whom have always been professional, responsive to our needs, and supportive at providing crucial injury management and prevention assistance. Sheakley has always been at the forefront of the latest ideas and suggestions to get our employees back to work. We value our relationship and would highly recommend their services to others.”
Pam O., Management Assistant, Lighthouse Youth Services

Union Township made a decision in 2002 to change our MCO to…

“ Sheakley UniComp. Since then we have realized that our only regret is that we did not make this move sooner. We now have a much greater appreciation for Sheakley’s knowledge and expertise. Union Township highly recommends the service that Sheakley provides and they will definitely be an asset to your organization. ”
Matt T., Service Director, Union Township Service Department
What to Do if an Injury Occurs

Once a work related injury occurs the employee must immediately notify their employer of the injury.

If the injury is not an emergency, the employer should refer the injured worker to the online Provider Lookup to find a physician nearby. Within 24 hours of seeking medical treatment, the employer or injured worker must contact Sheakley UniComp to report an injury occurrence or complete the BWC First Report of Injury form (FROI).

Please fax the FROI, with the injured worker’s signature and any medical documentation to
1-888-626-2667 or 1-513-326-8005
or email the FROI to [email protected].

Injured Worker

Your Rights and Responsibilities

As an injured worker, you have rights and responsibilities related to your worker’s compensation claim:

  • You have the right to:
    • Be active in the care of your injury and how to get the care you need
    • Be treated with courtesy and respect by the Sheakley UniComp, Inc staff
    • Understand and be active in your care and case management plan
    • Refuse care or case management services
    • Choose and/or change your BWC provider when you want
    • Be seen by a doctor in the case of an emergency
    • Privacy of information regarding your health
    • File an appeal or grievance if you do not agree with a decision made about your care
    • Be informed of all choices you have when making a decision about your care
    • Be notified of changes in your case management plan, including when it is closed
    • Have end of life and advanced care directives honored, if given
  • You have the responsibility to:
    • Tell your doctors and other health care providers about your medical history
    • Follow what your doctor and case manager tell you to do to get better
      • For example, if you are given restrictions, make sure you follow them not only at work but at home/outside of work as well
    • Ask questions about your care and your worker’s compensation claim
    • Treat your providers and the Sheakley UniComp, Inc. staff with courtesy and respect
    • Be active in the care of your injury

Injured Worker

Injured Worker Reference Documents

Drug Addiction

Information on drug abuse and addiction from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

A complete and easy-to-read guide on ankylosing spondylitis.

Bursitis & Tendonitis

A complete and easy-to-read-guide on bursitis & tendonitis.

Depression Disorder

Read about the forms, symptoms, and treatments of depression.

Hip Replacement

Information detailing hip replacement surgery and recovery.

Knee Problems

Fast facts about the most common knee problems and injuries.

Shoulder Problems

A breakdown of some of the most frequent shoulder injuries.

Spinal Stenosis

Common causes, symptoms, and treatments of spinal stenosis.

Weight Loss Program

Tips on choosing a safe and successful weight-loss program.

What is Back Pain

Causes and treatment plans for acute and chronic back pain.

hear it from our circle

Thank you Sheakley for exceeding my expectations. So many times customer service falls by the wayside. They are always professional, prepared and able to answer any questions or assist me in any way. We are not a number…they know us by name.

Monnica S, HR Manager, Riffle Machine Works

Sheakley UniComp

Serving Ohio for Over 20 Years

New to Ohio? A new employer to Ohio has 30 days to choose Sheakley UniComp as their MCO. To select Sheakley UniComp as your MCO, simply click below for the enrollment form or give us a call at 888-743-2559 x7070 or 513-618-1249 x7070.

The Sheakley Process

Our claim process is straightforward and easy

From the moment of injury, until your employee is back on the job, we have you covered.

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Employer is notified of injury

Employee injuries should be reported immediately.
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Employee receives treatment

Injured employees either receive emergency care or are sent to a designated provider
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Sheakley UniComp files FROI

Employee or employer notifies the MCO and the BWC First Report of Injury is filed.
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We create a pathway to recovery

Professionals manage the claim and care of the injured employee. Your assigned team member will develop a pathway to prevent future workplace injuries.
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