Full-Service HR

Top Hiring Practices to Reduce Turnover

Chelsea Bikner
Top Hiring Practices
Reading time 4 Mins
Published on Nov 12

Employee turnover can be a serious hindrance to your ability to do business. From reduced productivity to hours spent sorting through hundreds of resumes, recruitment and retention efforts can be costly and a drain on your limited resources. Implementing top hiring practices that help you reduce turnover can help save you money and time. Learn more about the strategies you can implement to ensure better employee retention and reduce your time spent on hiring.

Employee referrals

Reducing employee turnover through better hiring practices begins with attracting the highest quality candidates. Employee referrals are an excellent source for attracting top talent, and often results in a faster turn time from posting to hire than candidates from other sources. Referral hires are also more likely to be highly engaged and happier in their employment, with 46% staying for more than a year, 45% more than 2 years, and 47% more than 3 years. Trusting your best employees to know who in their network would be a good fit for your organization can also give them a sense of ownership in the success of your company, encouraging them to stay with you longer.

Cultural fit

With the growing importance of ensuring that candidates are the right cultural fit for your company, you’ll need to take steps to ensure that your interviewee would be successful and happy in your organization. Include your top employees in the process by encouraging them to join your interview panel. Ensuring that your potential new hire fits well with your existing employees is crucial. You can also use reference checks to confirm information that you receive from the candidate during the interview, ensuring that they have consistently demonstrated the values and behaviors that your organization values.

Pay attention

Effective interviewing requires concentration and good listening skills. Instruct interviewers to encourage the candidate to speak by being attentive and maintaining concentration. This also helps make sure that interviewers do not miss relevant answers. Instead of yes or no questions, ask thoughtful questions that encourage open-ended responses that allow the interviewee to express their personality and demonstrate their competency. These responses and the accompanying body language can be a key indicator of the candidate’s interest – whether they’re looking for a long-term commitment or a stepping stone to another position.

Positive onboarding

Thoughtful onboarding procedures are critical for new employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention. Almost 20% of employee turnover happens in the first 45 days, but 69% of employees who had a great onboarding experience are likely to stay with a company for three years. Cap your successful recruitment process with an onboarding experience that sets your new hires up for long-term employment success with your company. Mix in welcome activities with the mounds of new hire paperwork. Conduct a tour of the office and introduce your new hire to all of their coworkers. Encourage their manager and direct teammates to go to lunch during their first week on the job. The early days on the job set the tone for the rest of an employee’s term with your company, so make sure this time is memorable and positive.

Candidate recruitment and Sheakley

Crafting a recruitment strategy that can help you reduce turnover isn’t always the easiest task. Using a good mix of these top hiring practices will help you save time spent on hiring while boosting employee retention. With more than 115 years of combined experience, Sheakley’s HR team can help you determine the best course of action to achieve your company’s goals.

Get your free HR consultation with a Sheakley representative today. Stay up-to-date on all things Sheakley by subscribing to our blog and following us on social media. What are some of your top hiring practices you use that have helped your organization? Join in the discussion by commenting below.

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