Workers' Compensation

The BWC is Delivering Their Largest Rebate in 20 Years

Abby Oakman
BWC Announcement
Reading time 1 Mins
Published on Apr 24

Have you heard the most recent announcement from the BWC? The bureau is again able to give refunds, but this time it is 1.5 billion!

Because the BWC practices prudent fiscal management, has a strong investment income, and has falling claim numbers, they are poised to deliver the largest rebate in 20 years. With this new refund, the BWC has returned 8 billion to the economy since 2011. Their goal is to reduce accidents in the workplace and help get injured workers back to work.  The BWC continues to promote a safe work environment for your employees.

Sheakley likes to keep you updated on all things Workers Compclick here to learn more about this recent announcement from the BWC.

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