
Substitute Teachers Eligible for Unemployment?

Amanda Hagerty
Reading time 2 Mins
Published on Feb 6

The majority of schools use the Aesop online system to contact substitute teachers when jobs are available. Although this is a great system that simplifies processes for school districts, ODJFS does not recognize Aesop system calls as valid job offers or refusals.

If the system calls a substitute and they do not answer the phone the system records this as a no-answer. As an employer, we look at this the same as refusing available work. Due to no proof that the substitute knew the call was coming in and the call not being answered, ODJFS views this as the offer was never technically made.

Substitutes are eligible to collect unemployment during the school year for any week they earn less than their established Weekly Benefit Amount. The only time claims can be denied are during break periods (winter, spring and summer) if the sub has a letter of Reasonable Assurance, and during weeks that they earn more than their WBA or have refused legitimate offers of work.

Sheakley sends out monthly activity reports outlining payments made and claims that have been filed. If there is a substitute on your report that is collecting UI payments and they have been refusing work, contact your UI Account Manager to discuss ways to create valid work offers. We have found that following up and taking action like this can have a major impact on your monthly bills.

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