Full-Service HR

Sheakley is Proud to Announce Esteemed ESAC Accreditation

Amanda Hagerty
Reading time 1 Mins
Published on Dec 1

Sheakley’s PEO service—Sheakley HR Solutions—recently received accreditation for meeting high industry standards as set forth by the Employer Services Assurance Corporation (ESAC), an independent non-profit corporation.

ESAC is recognized nationally as the gold standard for PEO reliability and financial assurance and has a similar mission to that of the FDIC in the banking industry. Sheakley HR Solutions provides human resources outsourcing services which include human resources administration, payroll, workers’ compensation, and employee benefits management.

Sheakley-ESAC-Accredidation2These services allow businesses to focus on core competencies to maintain and grow their business while leveraging Sheakley’s knowledge and expertise in HR services. ESAC’s accreditation verifies Sheakley HR Solutions’ ongoing financial stability and compliance with government regulations and important industry standards.

If you’d like to read more about our ESAC accreditation, click here to visit our website.

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