Full-Service HR

Seasonal, Part-Time and Temporary Employees Defined

Paula Alexander
Retail Employee
Reading time 2 Mins
Published on Mar 1

Employers often hire part-time or temporary workers to help with increased work demands or seasonal industry fluctuations that may occur in certain industries. But have you ever needed to know what category your employees fit into or how exactly those categories are defined? We’ve provided a brief overview of these employee classifications for you.

Part-Time Employees

There are no federal laws that define what part-time means for employees; however, most states define part-time as those who work less than 35 hours per week, compared to full-time employees who typically work 40 hours or more per week.

Temporary Employees

Temporary employees, often referred to as “temps”, are typically hired to cover for absent employees (such as those who are on maternity or disability leave) and temporary vacancies, or to fill gaps in a company’s workforce. Temporary employees may work full or part-time, and may work for more than one agency/company at a time.

Seasonal Employees

Seasonal employees are generally hired to work part or full-time for companies that need extra help during a particular season/time of year. Seasonal employees may be hired within several industries, such as retail, hospitality, customer service, shipping/handling, and sales.

If you are rehiring a part time, seasonal, or temporary employee, it’s recommended that you confirm the employee’s personal information and withholding status are still current.

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