Workforce Management

PERRP Quiz for Schools & Libraries (and all public employers)

Amanda Hagerty
Reading time 3 Mins
Published on Aug 30

Yes, we said PERRP, not POP.

Every public employer within the state of Ohio must meet the Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) recordkeeping rules and regulations. PERRP uses records of injuries and illnesses to determine the effectiveness of existing safety and health standards.

PERRP QUIZ! Answer these questions with a yes or no:

  1. I am confident I am correctly documenting all key information on our 300P Log.
  2. I know if our incident reports tie directly into our 300P Log.
  3. Our 300P Log is kept securely in an electronic format.
  4. I know the difference between restricted duty and lost time.
  5. I know what constitutes a reportable injury and illness (hint: not all BWC workers’ comp claims are PERRP Log recordable, and not all emergency room visits are either).

If you have answered “No” to any of the above, you may not pass a PERRP audit.

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) requires that all public employers submit injury/illness recordkeeping summaries by February 1st of each year. At a minimum, proper PERRP records include:

  • Retain the current year record plus records from the previous five years.
  • Entry for all recordable injuries into your personal PERRP log file.
  • Maintain all PERRP 300P, 300AP, and 301P forms.
  • Annual submission of the 300AP summary to the BWC by the annual deadline.

Oops! Didn’t submit your summary? The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC), PERRP Division sends out enforcement notices for failure to submit the Summary of Work-Related Injuries/Illnesses (300AP). Any public employer who received this notice typically has until mid-September to submit their PERRP log. Failure to submit the 300AP form will result in an unannounced, onsite enforcement inspection. If you cannot make records available at this visit, the BWC’s PERRP Division will issue citations pursuant to Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 4167.11. No one wants that!

Note: If you received an enforcement notice, Sheakley’s Health and Safety Services offers full development, maintenance, and BWC reporting of your recordkeeping forms. Contact our safety team today to satisfy this notice from the PERRP Division to avoid an inspection that could result in a citation. You’ll be confident that your records are correct, current, and in order if the PERRP Auditor walks through your door!

Accident reporting is absolutely necessary. There is no such thing as a minor incident when the health and safety of your personnel are affected. And, accurate recordkeeping can help drive better decision making and ultimately have a positive impact on your bottom line.

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