Reading time 2 Mins
Published on Sep 26
It’s a good idea for employers to have an Injury and Illness Prevention Program that includes employee training in safe work practices. The informative topics are intended for use in on-the-job safety training meetings (best held at the beginning of the shift, right after lunch, or after a break) to educate employees on potential hazards and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses. A record of the safety meeting – stating the date, safety topic, attendees, and recommendations or additional comments – should be kept on file for the duration of each attendee’s employment.
Case studies, newspaper clippings, doughnuts, bagels, handouts ~ are just some things associated with safety meetings and can keep the meetings interesting and informative with current events and information. These talks can be done in a variety of ways but are typically a brief (10-15 minute) interactive discussion meeting on something safety related. Safety Committees/Teams may want to focus more in-depth on each topic, then break them down into more easily relatable and understandable terms for all employees.
For more information on this valuable subject, you can go to the Safety Talks Section at BWC, or there are many free safety idea websites, like And, of course, you can always call 888-743-2559 and you be directed to the appropriate Client Relations Manager for more help.