Full-Service HR

Impact of Poorly Written Job Descriptions

Ella Baker
Job description
Reading time 3 Mins
Published on Sep 24

Set your new employees up for success with stellar job expectations

Job descriptions should clearly outline the duties performed in the position you’re advertising, including the performance expectations of the employee in that position. A well-crafted job description allows candidates to understand the job they’re applying for and give your managers the basis for selecting those candidates. They also serve as the foundation for the work that employees should expect to perform on a daily basis and give managers a road map for performance evaluations. Understanding the impact of poorly written job descriptions is vital because they can set your company and employees up for failure and leave your business open to legal risks.

Impact on hiring

Job candidates often base their decision to apply for a position on the details you provide in the job description. A poorly written job description could leave you either drowning in resumes from unqualified candidates or lacking applications altogether.

Your human resources and hiring managers also need to have a strong understanding of what is expected from each position. To accurately screen applicants, your managers need clearly stated job duties and performance standards to guide them. Increase your odds of selecting the candidate with the right skills, experience, and qualities for the job by crafting quality job descriptions.

These descriptions can also help in the event of a hiring discrimination lawsuit. Rejected candidates may assert that the screening process didn’t adhere to the job and was biased. Quality job descriptions can help prove that your hiring manager lawfully conducted the screening process.

Impact on evaluations

Job descriptions can also provide the basis for performance evaluations. When an employee fails to meet expectations, managers can use the job description to reinforce the standards and provide feedback based on performance. These descriptions ensure that employees know what is expected of them and that managers can provide effective appraisals. Without a well-written job description, your company may be open to liability to lawsuits stemming from unfair labor practices and wrongful termination.

Impact on loyalty

A well-written job description allows your employees to see the connection between their role and the success of the department and company as a whole. Quality job descriptions let your employees understand how they contribute to the company and leave them more committed to excelling in their role. Employees can set goals and work to acquire new skills that will benefit the company based on the job descriptions you provide.

Let Sheakley help you craft quality job descriptions

More than a list of tasks and responsibilities, well-written job descriptions allow your hiring managers and employees to better understand the expectations of positions in your company. By providing as much specific information as possible in your job descriptions, you set your hiring managers, candidates, and employees up for success with your company. Sheakley’s PEO and HR Outsourcing professionals have the knowledge and experience to help you craft job descriptions that will help your new employees succeed from day one.

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