Reading time 2 Mins
Published on May 5
Employers experience a wide variety of injuries in the workplace, however some can be prevented. Your Ohio Managed Care Organization (MCO) can help you identify injuries that may be preventable.
In the example below, the employer may have prevented $74,291 of medical costs for the injuries listed. All claims costs have an effect on the premiums paid by employers for their workers’ compensation coverage. Therefore, preventing almost $75,000 could have saved the employer even more on their premiums.
Injuries | Recommendation |
Ice falls | Yaktrax Protraction Cleats (anti slip shoe grips) $16.10-$18.65 per pair on Amazon |
Back & Shoulder Injuries (lifting) | The above are cases where one employee hurt his/her back by lifting an object. Could a second employee have assisted and avoided the injury? Lifting overhead-overextending shoulders. Training/Education on proper lifting techniques. |
Burns on Fingers/Hand/Wrist | Superior Glove has personal protective equipment for these types of work hazards. Their website will show several types of gloves for different applications. Samples are available to order to see if they will be a good fit for the job. |
Slips/Trips/Falls | Most of the fall injuries are tripping over loose cords/computer, file cabinets, bumping into equipment & losing balance, wet floors, mats & carpet. Initiate a reporting program for unsafe conditions such as wet/water on floors. Conduct general office safety, housekeeping, & walking working surfaces. |
Work with the experts at your Ohio MCO to identify and put a stop to preventable injuries in your workplace.