Sheakley Updates

Heart Healthy Wellness Programs

Chelsea Bikner
Wellness Programs
Reading time 4 Mins
Published on Feb 6

February is National Heart Month and there’s no better time to put your employees’ health front and center. We’ve all heard it: heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. However, for many workers who spend long days sitting at desks or standing on a production line, time and motivation to get active are elusive. As a business owner, your employees are your most valuable asset and ensuring they stay happy and healthy is central to the growth of your business. Here are a few tips on creating heart-healthy workplace wellness programs that your employees will actually enjoy participating in.


Offer biometric screenings

Biometric screenings provide a general health check providing an important baseline that allows employees and their physician to better manage their health and evaluate changes over time. The technician conducting the screening will take each employees’ blood pressure, check their height, weight, blood pressure, and much more. In addition to learning more about their body mass index, employees will also have a complete measurement of their blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure – three key measurements that can help employees learn more about their overall health and provide early indicators of potential chronic conditions and health events. Since they don’t have to take time off work or wait in a doctor’s office, employees are more likely to participate in biometric screenings in the workplace.

Change workplace eating habits

Diet plays a major role in cardiovascular health, yet many workplace vending machines and break rooms are stocked full of high-sodium, sugar-rich temptations. Help your employees get more heart healthy by making healthier snack options part of your workplace wellness program. Replace chips and candy bars with nutrient-rich foods that are designed to help maintain a healthy heart. Dried fruits, fresh fruits, almonds, and air-popped popcorn are all healthier options that employees can enjoy guilt-free. If you’re planning a catered meeting or event, plan to set a good example by keeping your food options healthy. Instead of pizza or subs, opt for salads or grilled chicken. Simple changes in diet can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Get moving

Normally have your Monday morning meeting around the conference table? Help your employees exercise their heart muscle by having walking meetings instead. Encourage employees to form walking clubs at work and provide spaces for physical activity during employee breaks. Make sure that employees take time every few hours to get up from the desk or leave their workstation and stretch their legs for a few minutes. Provide pedometers and create challenges that reward employees who have walked to most steps in a day or week and those who have increased their activity the most. You can help employees stay active outside of work by partnering with a local gym or fitness center for discounted memberships.

Stress less

The workplace is always going to be a little stressful, but excessive stress can significantly increase the risks of heart disease. A portion of any effective wellness program should be devoted to helping employees learn stress management techniques that help reduce their risks. Offering workplace de-stressing options like yoga or meditation can help, but your program should also cover mental and emotional health options. Encourage employees to speak up about excessive stresses in the workplace by ensuring that retaliatory measures are never taken against those bringing issues forward.

Workplace wellness and Sheakley

Effective workplace wellness programs can offer huge benefits to your company and your employees. By helping your employees achieve their wellness goals, you can realize cost-savings, increased productivity, and many other rewards. Get your free consultation with a Sheakley representative today and find out how we can help you develop a wellness program that provides the greatest value to you and your employees.

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