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Published on May 3
Every claim, every client, every injury is different so we work with all parties involved to make sure the injured worker receives the best care, while helping the employer keep claim costs under control.
Sheakley UniComp recently had a situation that showcases the importance of all parties working together. A client had an employee with carpal tunnel in both hands and therefore needed two surgeries – first one hand, then the other. By working closely with his employer, we were able to keep him at work while his claim was under review at the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). Once allowed, we were engaged in the surgery and recovery plan with his physician. We then worked with the employee, his wife, his employer, and his physician to minimize down time and get him back to work safely. The Official Disability Guidelines stated the injury would take 84 lost time days. Through Sheakley UniComp’s leadership in bringing everyone together, and cooperation by all parties, we were able to get him safely back to work in less than half that time with only 38 lost time days.
There may not be a direct invoice for MCO services. However, there are a variety of ways a claim can impact overall workers’ compensation costs and premium. Not only is it good for this employee to get back to work, but by reducing the time away from work, the overall cost of the claim was kept to a minimum for his employer too. A job well done by the Sheakley UniComp team, and a big thank you to this employee and his wife, his physician, and his employer for making it possible to minimize time away from work.