
Correcting Safety Problems Before They Cause Accidents

Amanda Hagerty
Reading time 2 Mins
Published on Jan 20

There are two common procedures for identifying and correcting safety problems: Change Analysis and Job Safety Analysis (also known as job hazard analysis or safety analysis).

Change Analysis

Make an analysis of the change to determine its causes, following these steps:

  • Define the problem—what happened?
  • Establish the norm—what should have happened?
  • Identify, find, and describe the change—what, where, when, to what extent?
  • Specify what was and what was not affected
  • List the possible causes

Job Safety Analysis

Job safety analysis (JSA) is a chart that breaks a job into basic steps and identifies the hazards associated with each step.  The JSA also prescribes controls for each hazard.  Review the JSA during any accident investigation.  If a JSA has not been conducted, perform one as a part of the investigation to determine the events and conditions that led to the accident.

Priority for conducting JSA’s should go to the following types of jobs:

  • Highest injury or illness rates
  • Potential to cause severe injuries or illness, even with no history of previous accidents
  • One where simple human error could lead to a severe accident or injury
  • New to your operation or have undergone changes in processes and procedures
  • Complex enough to require written instructions

Once the analysis is completed and hazards have been identified, corrective actions can be developed and implemented.  Any corrective measures must include training to increase safety awareness and provide employees with the tools to recognize and eliminate hazards.


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