
Join Us on Dec 19th for a Health Reform Seminar

Amanda Hagerty
Reading time 1 Mins
Published on Dec 6

Sheakley HR Solutions and HORAN will be leading a health care reform seminar focused on the Employer Shared Responsibility provisions under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). You may be more familiar with these provisions being referred to as the “Pay or Play” mandate.

In this free seminar we will take a closer look at:

  • How do you determine if you are an Applicable Large Employer?
  • How do you evaluate your staffing for purposes of offering health benefits coverage?
  • What are the penalties your business could face?

Presentation begins at 8:30am and will be held at the Sheakley Corporate Office (One Sheakley Way, Cincinnati, OH  45246). Please CLICK HERE to register. There is no cost to attend, but seating is limited so pre-registration is required. Attendees can check in between 8am and 8:30am.

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