Reading time 2 Mins
Published on Mar 1
Many employers ask, “Why should I have an employee handbook for my company?” Handbooks communicate consistent information to all employees about company rules and expectations, explain the company mission and values, and can provide legal protection for your business. It’s good business practice to have a handbook in place and we’ll explain a few of the reasons why.
Handbooks inform employees
Handbooks serve as a guide to communicate to your employees the many answers to questions they have about your company. The employee handbook addresses topics like benefits and eligibility periods, attendance and disciplinary procedures, pay periods, vacation schedules, and company specific details. This manual also provides information regarding your company’s standards of behavior and also allows your HR personnel or a provider like Sheakley to offer you guidance on holding your employees accountable to those standards.
Handbooks can reduce your liability claims
Your business can also benefit from reduced liability in claim accusations by having written policies and procedures in place and implementing them consistently with your staff. It’s an important step in your onboarding process to make sure your employees receive a copy of your handbook and sign a handbook acknowledgement. If claims occur with the unemployment office or with the EEOC, your employee policies will help dispute the claim and the signed acknowledgement proves that the employee was aware of the policies.
So the answer to your question, “Why should I have an employee handbook?” is simple! You have a handbook to protect your business and grow valuable relationships with your employees.