Full-Service HR

Concerned about the PBJ data reporting deadline for long term care providers? Sheakley has you covered.

Jeff Andrews
Reading time 1 Mins
Published on Jul 25

Effective July 1, 2016, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will require all Long Term Care facilities to start capturing staffing information based on payroll and timekeeping. The Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) will collect staffing and census information from nursing homes and LTC facilities on a quarterly basis. This new report is being called the Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ). The data collected from July 1st  through September 30th must be submitted by November 14, 2016. The data reported must include full-time staff as well as agency and contract staff.

The goals of PBJ reporting are to standardize reporting requirements and collect information related to direct care staffing and facility census on a more frequent basis, and in an electronic format. The data will be used to assess the quality of care given by Long Term Care facilities.

Sheakley can help you meet the PBJ reporting requirements and alleviate the stress that comes with it too. Our Time & Labor Management solutions include automated timekeeping and advanced scheduling.

To request more information and speak with a representative, click here.

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