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Published on May 13
Prompt and effective claims management can have a significant impact on reducing claim costs and ultimately keeping an employer’s premium low. Sheakley UniComp educates injured workers and works side-by-side with Third Party Administrators (TPA) to ensure claims costs stay as low as possible.
An injured worker had claims in both 2015 and 2016. His employer’s TPA noticed that there was a reserve on the 2015 claim, but no activity that seemed to warrant it. Upon further review, the TPA discovered the reserve was active due to a prescription being paid under the 2015 claim. However, the prescription was paid after the 2016 loss date.
The Sheakley UniComp team was notified of the situation and was able to get the prescription removed from the 2015 claim and placed correctly on the 2016 claim. By making this correction, the reserve was removed from the 2015 claim, saving the employer $20,000.
To ensure the costs remained on the correct claim moving forward, Sheakley UniComp talked to the injured worker to make sure he had the correct claim number to use when filling future prescriptions. Through building relationships and effective claims management, Sheakley ensures that all parties’ needs are met from start to finish.