Managed Care

9 Pain-free Steps to Improve your Workers’ Compensation Program

Andrea Kiener
Reading time 2 Mins
Published on Jan 10

To take a quick assessment of your Workers’ Compensation program, first ask yourself these questions:

  • Do my injured employees know what to do if they’re injured on the job?
  • Do my supervisors know what information is needed if there’s a workplace accident?
  • Do my supervisors know where they should send documents and/or report an injury?
  • Is it easy for my injured employees to find out where they should seek treatment for a workplace accident?
  • Do my supervisors know if they should obtain witness statements?
  • Does my company have internal accident investigation forms?
  • Do I know who to call for answers regarding an Ohio workers’ compensation claim?

If you can’t answer “yes” to all of these questions, here are some simple steps to streamline your workers’ compensation program:

  1. Develop an employee claim reporting process
  2. Establish a relationship with medical providers
  3. Evaluate the need for supervisor training
  4. Complete accident reports
  5. Obtain witness statements and even non-witness statements
  6. Create a safety committee and utilize this team for educating employees and supervisors
  7. Maintain regular communication with the injured employee
  8. Document – document – document!
  9. Work with experts at your Ohio Managed Care Organization (MCO)

Putting these procedures in place before the accident happens can really help when, and if, a workplace injury occurs. Remember to rely on the experts, your MCO, to help you through every stage of a claim.

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