Reading time 4 Mins
Published on Feb 11
While some workplace accidents happen completely by chance, many are completely avoidable. Preventing all accidents in the workplace may not be possible, but there are many steps that employers and managers can take to reduce their frequency. Here are 5 ways to decrease accidents and increase safety in the workplace.
#1: Discourage Shortcuts
In a busy workplace, it’s not uncommon for employees to take shortcuts when they’re familiar with their position. When they’re are in a hurry, skirting the rules may seem like a good idea, but in reality, it just increases the risk of injury.
Ensure that employees understand the importance of always following workplace safety rules. If they are chronically taking shortcuts to meet work demands, it may be necessary to re-evaluate workload distribution among staff.
#2: Reduce Clutter
In a fast-paced working environment that’s constantly bustling with activity, housekeeping can fall pretty far down on the list of priorities. Most people don’t think a few boxes stacked up in the hallway is a significant safety risk, but all that extra clutter can be an accident waiting to happen.
Workplace cleanliness makes it easier for employees to efficiently maneuver in their areas and reduces the risk of injuries from slips, trips, or falls. Whether the work environment is an office, a manufacturing facility, a warehouse, or another type of facility, keeping a well-maintained work area is critical to ensuring employee safety.
#3: Eliminate Drugs and Alcohol
Most workplace accidents don’t involve drugs or alcohol, but these substances can exacerbate an already risky situation and cause accidents to be even worse. Having a clearly stated zero-tolerance policy toward drugs and alcohol in the workplace is a crucial step in keeping employees safe.
In addition, management must be on the front lines of combatting drug use in the workplace. Addressing concerns and possible issues early and often is the only way to prevent drug and alcohol-related injuries. Check out Know the Warning Signs: Alcohol Use in the Workplace to help your management team be more prepared to handle these issues.
#4: Encourage Reporting Concerns
Reporting safety concerns can be intimidating for many employees. Whether it’s reporting that a manager isn’t properly training new employees on safety protocols or that a coworker is taking unnecessary risks, reporting safety concerns can often make an employee feel like they’re tattling.
Remove the stigma associated with reporting safety concerns by clearly demonstrating the importance of employee participation in the safety process. Reward employees by creating a safety all-star bulletin board or handing out an employee safety award each month to the employee who did the most to help increase awareness in the workplace.
#5: Decrease Complacent Attitudes
When safety in the workplace isn’t consistently made a priority, employees can quickly become complacent towards safety precautions. In workplaces without a clear and constant emphasis on safety, employees can be put at greater risk of injury.
Weekly or monthly safety meetings can go a long way to helping employees understand the greatest areas of risk. Additionally, sending out regular safety tips via email can help employees learn more about steps to keep them safer in the workplace.
Your partner in safety
Keeping your workforce safe is priority one for your company. Sheakley can help you create better policies and provide assistance with developing safety programs to help you achieve your safety goals. Our experts are here to keep your employees and your business safe. Sheakley’s Workforce Management Services experts provide complete safety resources for your company.
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