Workforce Management

Improve Your Workplace Safety Standards

Chelsea Bikner
Improve Your Workplace Safety Standards
Reading time 3 Mins
Published on Nov 22

Creating a safer work environment is an ongoing process. Rather than resting on a clean record or just doing the bare minimum to get by, workplace safety should be a process of continuous improvement. By implementing strategies that help employees put safety at the core of all they do, companies can quickly improve their workplace safety standards and reduce the number of accidents and work stoppages they experience.

Make safety a core value

Safety starts with you. That’s every single ‘you’ in the company. Starting at the top, each member of management should reinforce safety rules and regulations. When management adheres to the company safety principles, employees will take notice and are more likely to put safety first.

Communicate your safety rules and regulations clearly and don’t waver. Hold regular safety meetings and ensure that every member of the team, from the newest hire to the top managers, follow the rules that are in place. When management sets a positive example, employees will follow their lead. Our Safety Meeting Topics can help you select the topics to help your employees learn how to stay safer.

Training, training, and more training

Training is essential to helping your employees understand the need for safe workplace practices. However, unlike other functions, safety isn’t something that can be learned (or reinforced) in one simple session.

Training programs that include intensive on-the-job scenario training opportunities reinforce the safety practices that management is trying to instill. Rather than relying on employees to ‘use common sense’ or to know ‘basic safety principles’, regular training helps your employees practice and understand the need to utilize the safety principles your safety team is preaching. Check out our On-Demand Safety Staffing Solutions if you need extra safety staff or help running your safety training program.

Reward safety, not just getting the job done

If you want to talk the safety talk, you have to walk the safety walk. It’s not enough to simply say that you value safety, you have to reward the safe practices that your employees are utilizing.

Too often employers reward employees for going above and beyond to complete tasks on time or early, but these actions can promote a ‘whatever-it-takes’ culture. This toxic attitude often means cutting corners and compromising workplace safety to increase production. When you say that safety trumps everything else, make sure that you are putting your money where your mouth is.

Keep at it

When it comes to safety, there’s always room for improvement. Even if you haven’t had an accident in weeks or months, there are always ways to promote a higher level of safety awareness. Brainstorm with your managers, talk to frontline employees who run your production equipment, and the people in the front office to identify areas where you can still improve your safety game. Read Empower Your Team to Create a Safer Work Environment for more tips on creating a safer workplace for your employees.

Your partner in safety

Whether you already have a workplace safety plan in place or you’re just getting started, Sheakley Workforce Management Services experts are here to help you develop better policies and provide assistance with developing safety programs that achieve your safety goals. Get your free safety consultation today with one of our in-house experts. Stay up-to-date on all things Sheakley by subscribing to our blog and following us on social media. Join the discussion by commenting below.

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