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Published on Feb 1
When you think about workplace accidents or safety hazards, it can be easy to overlook a common injury site – parking lots. From slips and falls to vehicles sliding on ice and break-ins, parking lots present a perilous area for employees, visitors, and customers alike. Protect the safety of those on your premises and the financial health of your company by addressing some of these common parking lot perils that can lead to injuries.
Seasonal hazards and lack of maintenance
From clearing hazards to general upkeep, parking lots require a lot of regular maintenance. This maintenance can help prevent slips and falls in your lot and prevent vehicular accidents.
Foul weather like ice and snow can lead to significant risks to your employees, visitors, and customers. Slips, trips, and falls are always a danger in the workplace, and inclement weather contributes to even more incidents. Another risk of slick, wet, and icy parking lots is skidding vehicles, leading to personal injuries and damage to vehicles. Keep an eye on weather reports for your area and apply salt and other snow and ice melting treatments to your parking lot before they become a hazard.
Another way to prevent injuries in your parking lot is to ensure that you maintain the asphalt and sidewalks along the parking area. Broken sidewalks, potholes, and cracked asphalt can all contribute to accidents. Be sure that your maintenance staff stays on top of maintenance issues in your parking area – repairing potholes and sidewalks before injuries occur.
Lack of direction
How many times have you entered a parking lot that didn’t have good signage? When drivers entering your lot don’t have a clear understanding of the flow of vehicles and pedestrians in the area or speed advisories, accidents can and do easily occur.
Exits and entrances should be clearly marked with directional arrows for the flow of traffic on the pavement or on signage. Post reduced speed signs at the entrance to your parking lot and within the lot itself to remind drivers to slow down and pay attention to pedestrians and other vehicles.
Lack of security
Parking lots are a common hot spot for criminal activity. From vehicle break-ins to muggings and car thefts, crime in your parking lot can pose a serious risk to employees, visitors, and customers.
The good news is that there are some simple steps that you can take to discourage criminal activity in your lot. Assigning a member of your facilities or security staff to make regular rounds of the parking lot, ensuring that the area is adequately lit, and installing security cameras can all serve as deterrents to criminals.
Poor lighting
The lighting in your parking lot should be bright and well-maintained. Ensure that there aren’t dim areas where pedestrians or vehicles may be put at risk in your lot. If you notice that bulbs are starting to dim or have blown, replace them as soon as possible. Ask your employees to notify maintenance when they notice an outage or if there is an area that needs additional lighting.
Safety and Sheakley
The best way to ensure that fewer accidents occur in your parking lot is to take a preventative approach. Implementing safety measures before accidents happen can help protect your employees, visitors, and customers, while also limiting the number of workers’ comp claims your company faces and reducing your risk of lawsuits. Sheakley can help you evaluate your safety needs and develop a plan to fully address them. Our experts are here to keep your employees and your business safe. Sheakley’s Workforce Management Services experts provide complete safety resources for your company.
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