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Published on Oct 9
Save money while helping the environment
The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) is helping you go green and get some green back in return. The BWC’s Go-Green Rebate Program will be the easiest rebate program you’ve ever participated in – so get ready to start welcoming some premium dollars back into your account in 2019.
The details
The Go-Green Rebate Program will reduce your true-up reporting paperwork headaches while also helping the environment. Participation in the program requires employers to submit their payroll true-up report online.
Participants in the rebate program can receive a 1-percent premium rebate of their annual BWC premium, up to $2,000 each policy year. During the true-up reporting period beginning January 1, 2019, public employers must enroll in electronic notifications and opt to receive any policy notices electronically prior to completing their true-up. The requirement for private employers to participate is the July 1, 2019 true-up reporting period. Employers may sign-up for electronic notifications at anytime by signing into My Policy.
Enrollment in the Go-Green Rebate Program is automatic when employers complete their installment payments and true-up online after opting to receive electronic delivery of future policy invoices.
Cost containment with Sheakley
Sheakley’s Workers’ Compensation experts are on your side – constantly searching for ways to keep your BWC premium costs under control. With more than 50 years to experience, our professionals are here to help you manage your costs, while ensuring worker safety.
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