Reading time 2 Mins
Published on Jan 7
In a recent post on the HR Daily Advisor blog, some good lessons are gleaned from the less-than-flawless rollout of the Affordable Care Act.
“Plans are great but execution matters!” Whether you support the Act or not, there’s no denying that the rollout was not as successful as it should have been. The site did not work properly to allow enrollments, insurance policies were lost, the massive plan that President Obama fought so hard to pass failed its first real chance to gain favor with the American public. Instead, the highly criticized Act generated more scrutiny and questions like “how could we spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a site that didn’t work.”
“Efforts without measurement are meaningless.” Without some measurements in place, there is no way to track your success, or identify areas that need focused improvement. Questions following the launch of the broken site, like the total cost to build it – then how much it would take to fix it – how many people accessed it, how many people were dropped, and how many people have used the site to acquire health insurance could not be answered with any level of certainty.
Without trust, you cannot effectively lead your team. “If it’s not true, don’t say it. And you aren’t sure whether it’s true, don’t say it.” For the first time, a majority of Americans – 53% according to a CNN/ORC poll — question the president’s integrity. His statement “if you like your plan, keep your plan” promise was discovered to be false. Trust is critical and invaluable for leaders.
Effective managers have great vision, can sell their vision to others, execute it, and measure it. Are you an effective manager?
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